Join the Atlas

BilderAtlas is a living archive, both online and in the world. Within the framework of networking practices, we’d like to invite visitors, friends and collaborators to contribute to the archive by “archiving relations” and experiment with the practice of self-archives to “create histories of the crucial, but often overlooked importance of relationships in collective politics”, as artist Alex Martinis Roe points out in
To Become Two (Archive Books, 2018). We make the private public and advocate the open circulation of knowledge. By thinking using images as well as words, we are aiming at collecting traces that might become projects and shared visions, and re-activate them through
in-person meetings, where we will be discussing around a hot topic each year.

Styles of radical will: women-led practices and the cultural shift


For 2024 we felt the urgency to stimulate social debate and elaborate around what leading an independent practice/business means today for women, especially in the culture and creative industries. It is about time the cultural shift we are witnessing reverses the dominant work narrative, and the dismissal of women’s work through feminist tactics of infiltrating and subverting existing power relations and domains. Nevertheless, we need deeper transformations on the infrastructural level that reflect new values and sustain feminist futures for everyone’s benefit. Equal numbers aren’t the answer when we still succumb to a lack of visibility, low incomes and work schedules that are tailored for men-led businesses. Withing the current neoliberal context, where post-capitalist models are paired with a growing system of collective self-management, the oversaturated worlds of style, culture and art are reaching a stale phase.

What can women do next to foster their desires and independence, and create new forms of art-work and labour organising?

We need an erotics of labour. We need creativity and its rich structure as a tool for liberation. Dissenting and proactive forces meet pleasure and vision. We need a new set of values that exceed the commodification of human relations in favor of the joy of being together.

Contribute to the community folder by emailing us your contents.
1. Use as email subject “Join the Atlas / SRW”
2. Indicate your name and contact details
3. Don’t send attachments larger than 1MB. Kindly share links if higher
4. Visuals, texts, audio, pdfs, scans can all be included
5. Materials can include informal notes, documentations, in-progress and finalized projects, essays, photographic and audio series
6. Kindly remember to add sources and credits
7. Visuals and notes could also be tagged via Instagram @bilderatlas

Submit your content

Selected projects will be published on this page. Please note that by sharing materials you agree to our Terms and conditions.
An in-person meeting will soon be announced.