
BilderAtlas is a space for visual practice engaged in curation, publishing and cultural research from a feminist, interdisciplinary perspective.

A studio, gallery and publishing house, BilderAtlas identifies a common way across diverse fields, temporal planes and forms of display, exploring new views on creative direction and curation, cultural production and women’s organising. Through artworks valorization as well as bespoke commissions and collaborative actions, it aims at establishing a rich dialogue among artists and institutions working internationally, while blurring the boundaries of disciplines and opening up the concept of art beyond the functions established by tradition.

BilderAtlas owes its name to Aby Warburg’s radical form of visual study, but also to the proximity of the words “bilder” and “builder” (“bɪldɚ”) and their immediate association with construction – namely the creation of a new complex for curating and collecting visual media, as well as new research methodologies and alternative organisational systems. With its carefully curated initiatives, BilderAtlas is committed to create timeless projects of expressive value, while continually exploring new creative frontiers.

The activities carried by BilderAtlas are inextricably discursive and relational: it curates and art directs projects in the contemporary arts as well as fashion; it publishes books; it supports and represents artists, both established and emerging ones; it conceives and takes part in symposia, conferences and lectures; it organises gatherings; it develops new research and curatorial methodologies. It experiments with ways to gather, hold space and build alliances by way of visual and written language in the ever-evolving structures of contemporary life.

It contains multitudes, it’s a shared vision.

Eight poems by

Embracing the atlas as a form of visual knowledge, BilderAtlas delivers the editorial collection Eight poems by, a series of limited-run, carefully crafted objects – photo books, artworks and designs that bring attention to women’s subjectivity and their contemporary visual researches. These projects are presented through a network of institutions and communities worldwide.


via Pietro Colletta 55
20135 Milan, Italy
+39 3293931332

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Threads @bilderatlas
YouTube @bilderatlas
Giorgia Basch
Founder and Creative Director

Gabriella Zen
Studio Manager


Image and Reproduction Requests

Press Requests

Web design and development BilderAtlas
Identity Jurgen Maelfeyt at Monogram Paris


BilderAtlas operates through several “actions”  (other seen as “services”).
For further info, read here.


Libreria delle donne
via Pietro Calvi 29
20129 Milan

Le Stanze della Fotografia
Isola di San Giorgio Maggiore
30124 Venice

Yvon Lambert libraire éditeur
14 rue des Filles du Calvaire
75003 Paris

librairie sans titre
2 Rue Auguste Barbier
75011 Paris

Comte Borrell 99
08015 Barcelona


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