
BilderAtlas is a space for visual practice engaged in curation, creative direction, publishing and cultural research from a feminist, interdisciplinary perspective. As a studio, gallery and publishing house, BilderAtlas operates as an open laboratory of images, pursuing the creation of new frameworks for curating and collecting visual media that escape static domains. We traverse diverse fields, forms of display and moments in time to foster social transformation through creative practices, and in particular women’s capacity for invention. Tangibly, we seek to establish a rich dialogue among artists and institutions working internationally through the valorization of artworks, commissions, and collaborative actions, while blurring disciplinary boundaries and expanding the concept of art beyond the functions established by tradition. With its carefully curated initiatives, BilderAtlas is committed to creating timeless projects of expressive value, while continually experimenting with and reinventing forms and languages. 

Eight Poems by

Eight Poems by is an editorial collection by BilderAtlas dedicated to the work of contemporary women visual artists. The series adopts a non-linear, multifaceted approach that reflects feminism’s non-ideological thought, shifting between individual perspectives while considering the network of relations that nurture a photographer’s practice. Moving beyond the notion of the artist as genius, Eight Poems by hinges on the contradiction of desiring to assert one's own uniqueness without denying the relationships in which talent grows, affirming that creative authority is grounded in the transformative exchange with others and with the world.
The collection is also a response to the crucial necessity to reveal the complexity and power of women’s vision, through bodies of work that shed light on the subjective experience. Acts of self-expression and personal histories take tangible shape as tailored objects within a curatorial system, building on one another and forming a living archive available to the public. Each object thus becomes an island, a panel, a shared space that visually displays a dialogue between the photographer, their subjects and the active audience.

Eight Poems by aligns with the broader purpose of BilderAtlas’ activities, enabling artworks to gain international exposure through its collectible editions, and making current developments in lens-based media accessible to a wider audience.

Styles of radical will

Styles of radical will. Women in the arts is our multilayered cultural program. The program expands our investigations beyond regular presentations and activities, offering a series of discussions centered on women’s work in the creative fields as a practice of resistance, relation-making, and revolution.
By engaging with images and words, we aim to foster research, exchange, and dialogue on women’s presence and representation in the arts and cultural sectors, and cultivate innovative organizational models in an effort to withstand the pressure of cultural canonisation. Discover more about the program and the partnerships here.


Our publications are distributed worldwide in selected bookstore and cultural venues. Our stocklist is available here.


We operates through several “actions”  (other seen as “services”). For further info, read here.


via Pietro Colletta 55
20135 Milan, Italy
+39 3293931332

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YouTube @bilderatlas
Giorgia Basch
Founder and Creative Director

Gabriella Zen
Studio Manager

Press and Communications
Eva Liszt


Image and Reproduction Requests

Press Requests

Web design and development BilderAtlas
Identity Jurgen Maelfeyt at Monogram Paris